Student Information
At Australian Employment Training we provide prospective learners with the following pre-enrolment information sources to assist with your decision to enrol.
Course Outlines
The course outline is the primary means of informing prospective learners about the services to be provided in relation to a specific course leading to a unit of competency or a qualification.
Learner Handbook
The learner handbook is the primary information vehicle to inform learners about their rights and obligations prior to their enrolment. It also includes information about our Complaints Handling and the Appeals Process.
Please refer to the following forms:
Schedule of Fees and Charges
The schedule of fees and charges provides a central place where the nominated fees and charges to participate in services with Australian Employment Training are listed. Also includes information about our Refund Policy.
Unique Student Identifier – USI Fact Sheet Information
This Fact Sheet provides information on how to apply for a Unique Student Identifier (known as USI).

Get in Touch with AET
The team at Australian Employment Training are ready assist you choose the right course for you and progress on your career.
Opening days and hours:
- Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Weekends: Closed
Suite 2,Level 12/190 Queen Street
Phone: 1300 360 510